performance and cocktails (deluxe edition) / 表演與雞尾酒 (2cd 經典名盤) - stereophonics / 立體音響樂團
*與oasis、blur 平起平坐,有「英搖超級救世主」、「英倫國民搖滾樂團」美譽的搖滾新神話
*空降英國金榜冠軍大碟,更在前十名停留長達18 個月之久,以三白金破百萬優秀成績勇奪全英年終榜第五名
* 2cd 盤盡收原始專輯所有曲目,並加收b 面單曲與1999 年珍稀現場錄音版本
90 年代晚期,當英國威爾斯樂團湧現,stereophonics 的異軍突起,可說是銜接brit-pop 再顯光彩的主要生力軍,以喧囂激昂的搖滾力道,振奮日漸疲軟的英國樂壇!深具才氣的靈魂領導人kelly jones (主唱/吉他手),加上richard jones (貝斯手) 與stuart cable (鼓手) 等三人,因為音樂愛好而相互吸引,自年少時期便共組樂團,並嘗試創作樂曲,再造延續英倫搖滾薪火的新神話!
1999 年發行的第二張專輯【performance and cocktails】,空降英國專輯榜冠軍,更在前十名停留長達18 個月之久,以三白金的破百萬優秀成績,勇奪全英年終榜第五名!主唱兼創作核心kelly,還因為出身地的關係,被美譽為「威爾斯王子」。其後發行的單曲“the bartender and the thief”、“just looking”,皆在迎面襲來的電吉他催聲中,由主唱極富喧染力的嗓音鋪陳,掀起搖滾急速快感,全部護送至排行榜top5 之林。嘗試滲入藍調、鄉村、民謠等樂種,都突顯出stereophonics風格日趨成熟的蛻變,此2cd 盤超值加收b 面單曲、1999 年的珍稀現場錄音版本。
cd1: original album
01. roll up and shine
02. the bartender and the thief
03. hurry up and wait
04. pick a part that's new
05. just looking
06. half the lies you tell ain't true
07. i wouldn't believe your radio
08. t-shirt sun tan
09. is yesterday, tomorrow, today?
10. a minute longer
11. she takes her clothes off
12. plastic california
13. i stopped to fill my car up
cd2: b-sides and rarities (*previously unreleased tracks)
01. the bartender and the thief (live at cardiff castle)
02. sunny afternoon (live at morfa stadium)
03. positively 4th street
04. fiddlers green
05. angie
06. the old laughing lady
07. something in the way
08. half the lies you tell ain't true (live at belfort festival)*
09. she takes her clothes off (live at the hippodrome)*
10. roll up and shine (live at the hippodrome)*
11. local boy in the photograph (bbc session)
12. just looking (live at the hippodrome)*