decade in the sun - best of stereophonics (deluxe) / 光輝歲月極精選 [2cd限量精裝盤] - stereophonics / 立體音響樂團
德國進口、有貼紙內含cd1 原文歌詞
*與oasis、blu r平起平坐,頭頂「英搖超級救世主」、「英倫國民搖滾樂團」美譽的搖滾新神話
*首張完整精選特輯2cd 限量精裝版:超值網羅38 曲{排行暢銷作&珍稀未發行佳釀} 兩首全新創作
*特蒐32 頁{私藏照片 cd1 曲目原文歌詞}
stereophonics 堪稱是銜接brit-pop 再顯光彩的主要生力軍,在喧囂激昂力道中,振奮日漸疲軟的英國樂壇。有著「英倫搖滾超級救世主樂團」、「英倫國民搖滾樂團」等美譽的stereophonics,穩固英國90 年代後期搖滾市場的重要地位,與oasis、blur 等團平起平坐,再再締造搖滾歷史新頁,延續英倫搖滾薪火新神話!
被冠上「威爾斯王子」名號的主唱兼吉他手kelly jones、貝斯手richard jones 兩位攜手闖盪至今的好夥伴,加上歷經stuart cable、前black crowes 鼓手steve goman 擔任巡迴演出鼓手一職,以及現在第三任阿根廷籍鼓手javier weyler 等三人簡單機制,把玩出最不簡單的音樂觸感。陸續發行【word gets around】(1997)、【performance and cocktails】(1999)、【just enough education to perform】(2001)、【you gotta go there to come back】(2003)、【language. sex. violence. other?】(2005)、【pull the pin】(2007)等六張暢銷專輯,其中五張皆奪下英國金榜冠軍,然而【just enough education to perform】發行第39 週後,反衝英國專輯金榜桂冠並蟬連三週榜首,創下英國流行音樂史上,同一張專輯發行後相隔近十個月再度奪冠的卓越成就。
stereophonics 彙集所有能量與迷醉人心的情歌特質,以首張完整精選特輯【decade in the sun: best of stereophonics】,回顧這一路走來的輝煌足跡,為十週年畫下完美驚嘆號,更期待下一個璀璨十年的到來!
01. dakota
02. the bartender and the thief
03. just looking
04. have a nice day
05. local boy in the photograph
06. maybe tomorrow
07. superman
08. pick a part that's new
09. my own worst enemy
10. i wouldn't believe your radio
11. you're my star
12. mr writer
13. step on my old size nines
14. devil
15. it means nothing
16. a thousand trees
17. vegas two times
18. traffic
19. more life in a tramps vest
20. handbags and gladrags
01. madame helga
02. bank holiday monday
03. rewind
04. my friends
05. climbing the wall
06. mama told me not to come – with tom jones
07. since i told you it's over
08. moviestar
09. not up to you
10. getaway
11. i stopped to fill my car up
12. carrot cake and wine (from ‘a thousand trees’ ep)
13. billy davey's daughter
14. raymond's shop (from ‘more life in a tramps vest’ ep)
15. stone
16. i'm alright (you gotta go there to come back)
17. first time ever i saw your face – with jools holland
18. same size feet
19. she takes her clothes off (never before released from wga sessions)
20. hurry up and wait