







【mary popping歡樂滿人間】是迪士尼影業史上最成功的真人動畫電影之一,在1964年發行的當時,寫下了超過1億美金的票房,打破當年的紀錄,而且獲得13項奧斯卡獎提名,並奪得其中5項大獎,包括最佳女主角、最佳原創歌曲、最佳視覺特效等等,另外也包辦了一座金球獎和兩座葛萊美獎,堪稱迪士尼的一大里程碑;而這樣的傳奇如今再次降臨。


【歡樂滿人間】當年的電影歌曲由兄弟檔richard m. sherman與robert b. sherman操刀譜寫,這兩人不僅是配樂界的翹楚,更是當代樂壇的大師級人物,他們總計擁有兩座奧斯卡獎、五座金球獎、三座葛萊美獎,並且獲美國頒發了國會勳章,以證明他們在音樂界的傑出貢獻,當然,他們也被奉入作曲名人堂之中,成為當代的傳奇國寶人物。歌曲內容方面包含了美國傳統的音樂精華,以及些許搖擺年代的元素,再加上部分歌舞、古典以及60年代的流行樂,型塑出樂壇史上的巨作。經過了整整54年,唱片公司與電影公司在經過多次協調之後,決定將這張迪士尼歷史上最受人稱頌的作品,再次發行,並且把更為完整的未釋出demo、製作過程對話等金庫級檔案,一併收入到這次發行的【walt disney records the legacy collection mary poppins歡樂滿人間傳奇經典】之中。


【walt disney records the legacy collection mary poppins】總共有3cd;在cd1的部分,擁有1964年原版的28首歌曲,包括"sister suffragette"、"the perfect nanny"、"supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"、"panic at the bank"、"chimchim cher-ee / march over the rooftops"、"step in time"、"a man has dreams (the life i lead/a spoonful of sugar)"、"let's go fly a kite"等歌曲;cd則是當年歌曲的demo版本,讓所有愛樂人士都可以體會到經典的最原始面貌,一窺作曲大師的初衷;最有趣的則是cd3部分,收錄了當時在製作【歡樂滿人間】時,重要工作人員在開「故事會議」時的錄音檔案,以及當時記者採訪主要演員、配樂人士的錄音片段,讓聽者可以完全融入到當下的時空環境中,也在2018年年底即將上映的電影續作【mary poppins returns愛,滿人間】之前完美體驗【歡樂滿人間】的原點。



cd 1: 1. buena vista fanfare 2. overture 3. one man band 4. sister suffragette - lead vocal: glynis johns; vocals: hermione baddeley and reta shaw 5. the life i lead - vocal: david tomlinson 6. the perfect nanny - vocals: karen dotrice and matthew garber 7. air mail • admiral boom • the not-so-perfect nannies • mary poppins arrives 8. a spoonful of sugar - vocal: julie andrews; whistling: julie andrews 9. pavement artist - vocal: dick van dyke 10. jolly holiday - lead vocals: julie andrews and dick van dyke; additional vocals: bill lee, ginny tyler, paul frees, marc breaux, marni nixon and thurl ravenscroft 11. jolly holiday (reprise) - lead vocals: julie andrews and dick van dyke; penguin waiters: daws butler, peter ellenshaw, dal mckennon, j. pat o’malley, richard sherman and david tomlinson; kazoo: richard sherman 12. penguin dance - belly slap soft shoe: irwin kostal; kazoo: richard sherman 13. the carousel horses 14. supercailfragilisticexpialidocious - lead vocals: julie andrews and dick van dyke; pearlie chorus: richard sherman and j. pat o’malley 15. pavement artist (reprise) - vocal: dick van dyke 16. stay awake - vocal: julie andrews 17. trouble at uncle albert’s 18. i love to laugh - vocals: ed wynn, julie andrews and dick van dyke 19. a british bank (the life i lead) - vocals: david tomlinson and julie andrews 20. feed the birds (tuppence a bag) - vocal: julie andrews 21. father’s footsteps 22. fidelity fiduciary bank - lead vocals: david tomlinson and “nackvid keyd”; banker chorus: arthur malet, bill lee, thurl ravenscroft, allan davies, william r. cole 23. panic at the bank 24. chim chim cher-ee • march over the rooftops - vocals: dick van dyke, julie andrews, karen dotrice and matthew garber 25. step in time - lead vocals: dick van dyke, the chimney sweep chorus and cast 26. a man has dreams (the life i lead/a spoonful of sugar) - vocals: david tomlinson and dick van dyke 27. mr. banks is discharged 28. let’s go fly a kite - lead vocals: david tomlinson, dick van dyke and the londoners cd 2: pre-demos 1. the perfect nanny - performed by richard m. sherman and robert b. sherman 2. jolly holiday - performed by richard m. sherman and robert b. sherman 3. the pearly song [supercalifragilisticexpialidocious] - performed by richard m. sherman and robert b. sherman 4. stay awake - performed by richard m. sherman 5. chim chim cher-ee - performed by richard m. sherman and robert b. sherman 6. i love to laugh - performed by richard m. sherman and robert b. sherman 7. tuppence a bag [feed the birds (tuppence a bag)] - performed by richard m. sherman 8. let’s go fly a kite - performed by richard m. sherman and robert b. sherman the lost chords of mary poppins 9. mary poppins melody [pre-demo] - performed by richard m. sherman and robert b. sherman 10. mary poppins melody [new recording] - performed by kate higgins 11. admiral boom [demo] - performed by richard m. sherman 12. admiral boom [new recording] - performed by randy crenshaw, jeff gunn and dennis kyle 13. the right side [pre-demo] - performed by richard m. sherman and robert b. sherman 14. the right side [new recording] - performed by juliana hansen 15. the chimpanzoo [demo] - performed by richard m. sherman 16. the chimpanzoo [new recording] - performed by bob joyce, jeff gunn, randy crenshaw and dennis kyle 17. the land of sand [pre-demo] - performed by richard m. sherman and robert b. sherman 18. the land of sand [new recording] - performed by kate higgins, juliana hansen, jeff gunn and bob joyce 19. the north pole polka [pre-demo] - performed by richard m. sherman 20. the north pole polka [new recording] - performed by jeff gunn, bob joyce, richard m. sherman, kate higgins and dennis kyle 21. the eyes of love [pre-demo] - performed by richard m. sherman 22. the eyes of love [new recording] - performed by juliana hansen bonus track 23. overture [album version] cd 3: 21. the mary poppins story meetings 22. hollywood spotlight microphone 23. the sherman brothers reminisce about their work on mary poppins

