* 2012 新專輯【believe】cd dvd 精裝盤 (內附折頁小海報 16 頁私藏寫真冊, 曲目如下所列)
* t-shirt (女版/白色/m 號)
* 黑色矽膠手環 (壓印 justin bieber believe 字樣)
* 金色徽章 (球鞋圖案)
1. all around the world - feat. ludacris
2. boyfriend
3. as long as you love me - feat. big sean
4. catching feelings
5. take you
6. right here - feat. drake
7. fall
8. die in your arms
9. thought of you
10. beauty and a beat - feat. nicki minaj
11. one love
12. be alright
13. believe
14. out of town girl
15. she don't like the lights
16. maria
* scenes from justin’s tour / 巡迴演唱獨家花絮
* the making of the album / 專輯製作幕後花絮
* behind-the-scenes at the “boyfriend” video shoot / 音樂錄影帶拍攝花絮
justin bieber / 小賈斯汀